To achieve that perfect dressage test, clear round or marvellous hack, there are lots of small pieces that contribute to the final result. The saddle is only one of those small pieces, but if it does not fit properly, it can lead to other pieces also not fitting. Resulting in more of a Picasso effect than a Monet master piece.

As with all equipment, it is important to regularly check your saddle. It is very easy to miss changes when you use things day in, day out and what can start out as a small, seeming insignificant detail, can turn into a much bigger long term problem.

For example, if a saddle is too long, the horse’s back may become sore or they may try to get away from the discomfort by hollowing their back or bucking.

Saddle problems can also be a secondary issue, such as biting when being girthed may be due to stomach ulcers but the horse only reacts when being tacked up.


Saddle fitting service

Find out more about our saddle fitting service.


Remedial Saddle fitting service

Find out more about our remedial saddle fitting service.


Leather repairs

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Full reflock

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About Saddle ‘em

Find out more about our fully qualified saddle fitter, Emma Payne.